The FVCC Campus Farm

Connecting students and community with high quality, nutritious farm produce.

Order Fresh Produce!

Our farm store opens for produce sales each Tuesday morning.

Ordering closes on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm.

Pick up is on Thursdays from 3:00-5:30 pm at the Campus Farm.

Here is a listing of produce we have available now!

Donate to the FVCC Campus Farm

The FVCC Campus Farm and Agriculture Program provides students with opportunities to discover their potential within the community food system. There are many ways to support student learning and project development!

The Sandra G. Swenson Farming Education Fund

Established in 2021, the Sandra G. Swenson Farming Education fund helps support FVCC Agriculture students through scholarships and other food system initiatives on the FVCC Campus.

The FVCC Food Waste Composting Project

Students in AGSC 265 Building Community Food Systems have developed a composting program in FVCC's Culinary Arts kitchen, the Eagle's Nest cafe and the Common Ground coffee bar. Our goal is to work with the local composting company Dirt Rich Composting to divert thousands of pounds of college food waste from the landfill and turn it into a valuable composted product we can use on the Campus Farm. Your support will help fund weekly waste pick up from the campus.

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FVCC's Campus Farm

We are a working educational farm that supports farming and food systems education at Flathead Valley Community College in Kalispell, MT.  We grow vegetables, fruit, small grains, and cover crops on the 5 acre plot of land that we manage. 

Farm products are sold to our campus community through this site, our small farm share program, FVCC's Eagle's Nest Cafe, and the Culinary Institute of Montana. We also make regular donations of food to the Flathead Food Bank. Proceeds from our farm help fund program development and student scholarships.

Staff, students, and volunteers from our community work together on our farm to grow produce using the highest standards. We adhere to organic practices, and teach students how to farm in an environmentally and socially responsible way.

FVCC's Agriculture Program

The Campus Farm is FVCC's working educational farm focused on regenerative vegetable and fruit production. We offer courses through out the year through Continuing Education and are currently offering a few for credit course.

Dane Regan is the FVCC Campus Farm Manager. Dane makes production decisions, carefully tends to all of the crops, and is the backbone of the farm. He works with students year-round, teaching the fundamentals of small-scale intensive vegetable production in northwestern Montana. 


Pick up your produce at the FVCC Campus Farm, located off of the roundabout near the Homewood Suites in Kalispell, MT.

After entering the FVCC gates, drive east until the road ends, then turn right and follow the road towards the Agriculture building. 


216 Hutton Ranch Road, Kalispell, MT 59901